
01794 329739


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 8PM, Sat 9PM - 6PM, Sun 10AM - 4PM

Reach New Heights with Altitude Training at Altus

Elevate Your Performance with Our Hypoxic Training Environment

What is Altitude Training?

Altitude training, or hypoxic training, simulates training conditions at higher elevations, where the air is thinner and oxygen levels are lower. This unique form of training is known to enhance athletic performance, increase endurance, and improve overall fitness. At Altus , we offer a cutting-edge altitude training experience using Wattbikes and Nordictrack treadmills, complemented by hypoxia masks to simulate high-altitude conditions.

Our Altitude Training Facility

Advanced Equipment: We have a Watt bike and a treadmill, meaning whether you’re a mountaineer, hillwalker, hiker, cyclist, runner, or triathlete,we can cater to all levels of fitness and expertise.

Hypoxia Masks: To simulate the reduced oxygen environment of high altitudes, we provide hypoxia masks. These masks control the oxygen levels, allowing you to train under conditions similar to those found at various elevations.

Customised Training Programs: Each training session is tailored to your individual goals and current fitness level. Our trainers will develop a personalised program to maximise your performance and results.

Safe and Monitored Environment: Your safety is paramount. We continuously monitor oxygen levels and your response to ensure a safe and effective training experience.

Benefits of Altitude Training

Enhanced Endurance and Stamina: Training in a low-oxygen environment increases red blood cell count and improves oxygen delivery to muscles.

Improved Athletic Performance: Regular altitude training can lead to significant improvements in speed, strength, and endurance.

Increased Metabolic Efficiency: Helps in burning more calories and improving weight management.

Boosted Mental Toughness: Overcoming the challenges of hypoxic training enhances mental strength and resilience.

Recovery from Injuries: Low-oxygen training can aid in recovery without putting additional strain on injuries.

Who Can Benefit from Altitude Training?

Altitude training is ideal for a whole host of disciplines including hikers, hillwalkers, mountaineers, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to push their physical limits. It’s also beneficial for those recovering from injuries or looking to enhance their cardiovascular health.


Book now

Book a consultation or if you already have experience, you can book a single session or buy a pass for multiple sessions.

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