
01794 329739


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 8PM, Sat 9PM - 6PM, Sun 10AM - 4PM

Elevate Your Recovery with Our Specialised Sports Massage Therapy

Optimise Performance and Enhance Recovery with Expert Hands

What is Sports Massage Therapy?

Sports massage therapy is a targeted form of massage that focuses on optimizing athletic performance, accelerating recovery, and preventing injuries. At Altus, we offer professional sports massage services tailored to the specific needs of athletes and active individuals. Our skilled therapists use a variety of techniques to address muscle tension, enhance blood flow, and promote relaxation.

Our Sports Massage Services

Tailored to Athlete’s Needs: Understanding that each athlete and sport has unique demands, our therapists customise each session to target the specific muscle groups and areas of tension relevant to your athletic activities.

Range of Techniques: Our therapists are proficient in a variety of massage techniques, including deep tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and stretching. This diverse skill set ensures a comprehensive and effective treatment.

Pre- and Post-Event Massage: We offer specialised massage sessions designed for pre-event preparation and post-event recovery, helping you to perform at your best and recover quickly.

Injury Prevention and Recovery: Regular sports massage can help prevent overuse injuries and aid in the recovery of existing injuries, keeping you in top form.

Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy

Enhanced Performance: Improves flexibility and range of motion, leading to better athletic performance.

Reduced Muscle Soreness: Alleviates muscle stiffness and soreness, particularly after intense physical activity.

Improved Circulation: Boosts blood flow to muscles, aiding in the repair and regeneration of tissues.

Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation and reduces the physical and mental stress of training.

Injury Rehabilitation: Aids in the recovery process from sports-related injuries.

Who Can Benefit from Sports Massage Therapy?

Sports massage therapy is ideal for professional athletes, amateur sports enthusiasts, and anyone engaged in regular physical activity. It’s also beneficial for individuals seeking relief from muscle tension due to sedentary lifestyles or repetitive strain.

Book now

Available Monday to Friday 5pm – 8pm and Weekends by appointment
